Working With Business and Industry

  Satisfying Today's Requirements, Preparing For Tomorrow's Challenges


Computer Workshops Customized Course Development Professional Development Online Courses Training Services

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Online Professional Development Courses

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Employee Development

Professional Development

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Computer Workshops

Training Services

Course Development

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Program Administration

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Program Administration

Everything from the initial Needs Assessment through the development of the coursework, to the final evaluation. Full-service available to include scheduling & registration.

Let TTS assist you with:

Turning Your Ideas Into Reality!!!

Providing High Quality Product Training.

Providing Low Cost, High Quality Employee Training.

Preparing Your Workforce for Tomorrow’s Technology.

Program Design: An initial Needs Assessment to ensure that training can solve the problem, a Needs Analysis to identify the scope of the training, identify the audience, level of the audience, measurement criteria, expectations, program objectives, mode of delivery/instruction and provide cost proposals.

Program Development: A Task Analysis to determine the content of the training program, expected completion criteria, details for training, length of program, modules, design reviews and develop learning objectives.

Program Implementation: Develop guidelines, advertisements, pre-testing, grading, correspondence, scheduling, instructors and students, program management, coordination and counseling.

Course Development: Generate course material for the instruction of the training to include; learning objectives, scope of program, required material, time frames, A/V equipment, activities and exercises, text material, instructor and student guides.

Instruction: Objective Based instruction, instructed to the level of the audience, incorporating adult learning principles, interactive participation and additional support for students.

Measurement and Evaluation: Four levels of measurement and evaluation; content of the program, effectiveness of the instructor, skill gain of the students and the training’s impact on the business.

Consultant Services:

  • Skill and Workload Evaluation
  • Recommend Training Options
  • Develop Employee Surveys
  • Perform Needs Assessment
  • Identify Training Requirements
  • Provide Cost Projections
  • Critique Existing Training
  • Conduct Task Analysis

Contact us for a free initial consultation or a general business proposal


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Total Training Solutions

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Last modified: September 01, 2009

Call (520) 721-2274 or Toll Free (866) 684-8871